Johnson, Nancy

Marshall, Lofloso
Cafeteria Manager

Page, Connie

Tatum, Ezekial

Tracy, Margaret

Davis, Jimmara
The mission of the Child Nutrition Program in the Autauga County Schools is to provide the students of the school district the best possible nutrition under the best possible health and safety conditions.
The Child Nutrition Program, which is a federal program, is a vital part of the total education program in Autauga County. Annually, we serve over one million lunches and a little over four hundred and fifty thousand breakfasts. Also, we provide after school snacks to the schools that are participants in this program. All facets of the meals served meet USDA requirements.
PayPam Mobile App
PayPAMS now has a free mobile App available for Android and iPhone!
Make payments, view meal account balance, cafeteria purchases, and payment history, all from the convenience of a smart phone. Personalize the App by adding student pictures.
It's easy! Start by downloading the PayPAMS App, searching for "PayPAMS" on Android's Google Play or the iPhone's App Store, then log in using your PAYPAMS.com username and password.
Federal Guidelines prohibit carbonated drinks in the cafeteria.
Students are assigned a PIN on the first day of school. PIN's will remain the same throughout the school year.
Students may bring their own lunch if they wish. NO commercial food allowed in the lunchroom (ex: McDonalds, Burger King, Pizza Hut, etc.)